
After years of a turbulent relationship with my Mum and as a child always blaming her for my problems, I grew up.

I took the time to really try and understand things and saw that actually she was in exactly the same position as I was, except her even more so than I; she had a broken marriage, children, a house, a job and life to deal with.

The realisation struck a chord and I vowed to myself that I’d put everything into appreciating and respecting her like never before.

It’s been a while now since I made the decision and our relationship is continuing to get stronger, but on Sunday I feel I made probably the biggest step I’ve made to date in our relationship, for the first time ever I sent her a message out of the blue to tell her how I was feeling and what I thought of her…

”Hey Mum It’s Mother’s day in Australia and although I know you’ve had Mother’s day there, I just wanted to say how much I’m thinking about you and miss you, it would have been lovely to have you here and spend time with you, maybe for champagne breakfast, a spa day or just chilled out watching our favourite TV and having girl time. I can’t wait to see you in December and spend quality time together, you mean so much more than you believe you do. I just wish for you to believe in yourself more and know that no matter what, us kids love you more than anything in the world and though we may not always show it, it doesn’t mean we love you any less. Love you always with every fibre of my being, your favourite Australian 😉 Amber Leigh xxxxx”

She loved it, it was a simple message but the message was honest, loving and kind.

My deed is to continue to show her the respect that every Mother deserves by appreciating her for the beautiful woman that she is and reminding her of all the great qualities she possesses.