I work in the arts and have a big interest in collaborative, community arts projects such as ’PostSecret’. I believe in freedom of speech and expression and am passionate about advocating for human rights and equality. Therefore when my good friends Jennifer Gaskell and Sarah Evans told me about an interesting project they were launching called ’100 Deeds’ which was a collaborative, community arts project providing a platform for discussion, debate and comment on equality through the act of ’deeds’ instead of words… I was very excited!
During a trip to Liverpool for a conference I came across a lovely and rather inspiring community book store called ’News From Nowhere’. The shop has an array of interesting and thought provoking titles aswell as lots of lovely hand made and fair trade goods for sale and there wans’t a copy fo Fifty Shades of Grey in Sight!!
Whilst browsing the store I came across these wonderfully fierce postcards and immediately thought of the lovely ladies behind 100 Deeds. I decided that my deed would be to thank them for starting up a creative conversation about equality today and to encourage them to keep making this kind of work.
My deed also aims to highlight the importance of spending your well earned cash a little more thoughtfully by trying, where you can in this increasingly captalist society, to support businesses who understand the importance of, support and promote equality.
Plus I think the message on the front of this postcard says it all… ’Well behaved Women seldom do make history’.
Get Misbehavin’ folks!!
– Rachel Moorhouse