Hello there,

My name is Leo and I am an artist and producer.

To successfully develop and sustain a career in the creative and cultural sector, one often has to attend various events, workshops or meetings which may lead to the start of a new project or a paid job opportunity, but at first often mean that the individual attending them has to do so for free, and pay for their own transport and… childcare!

I have recently been working with a number of women for whom it is difficult to benefit from professional development opportunities due to the cost of childcare and the very small numbers of trusted child minders/friends/family members you can call upon for help.

So I propose to start a list of Northwest (to start) based artists who may be willing to offer childminding/babysitting services in return for a small favour (a thank you note on a project website, a free ticket to your show, baked goods or anything of that nature), of course, this list includes me!

So if you’d like to be on said list, please register your interest by e-mailing artsitter@talkwithleap.com – And if you are looking for someone to look after your offspring while you’re in rehearsals/at a conference/at a networking event etc. Drop us a line at the same address and I will put you in touch with people on the list from your area and support you in finding the right match!

(P.S.: Some credit for this deed should go to Jenny Gaskell too, as we have often talked about this!)

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